Wednesday 9 November 2016

10 Days to Go

Good progress over the past week, Comets!  Since our last post we have:

1) Put together a first version of our presentation.
2) Gotten two more robot missions to work: getting food out of the fridge, and feeding some of the animals.
3) Gotten movement detection working for our project.  That is, we got the computer to look at videos of the cows and identify them by the fact that they're moving.

For those looking for the word of the week, since we got the fridge mission to work, the word for this week is Fridge.

Some things we need to work on for homework for this week, and over the next ten days, are:
1) Everybody needs to learn their lines for our presentation.  You've all received a copy of the script either on paper or in email, so make sure you learn your part.
2) Everybody needs to think back on what they've personally done so far this season.  A lot of this is covered right here on the blog, so make sure you re-read it and know what your responsibilities were.
3) Some of you got individual assignments - writing emails, doing research, making props, etc. - that you need to do at home.

Also, we're going to try to meet every day at lunch between now and the tournament on Nov. 19th.  We'll also be having more evening and weekend meetings, which you should have received emails on.  This past weekend we had an impromptu "plaid day" to work on robot programming.  Check it out:

I was just joking about the word being Fridge.  It's actually "pez" because the fridge works more like a pez dispenser, and so does our attachment.

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