Of all the cities she looked at, Atlanta was the most expensive with an average cost of $680 Canadian dollars per year. And out of 30 cities, there were only four where our innovation wouldn't pay for itself in less than a year. I put the data on the map below.
Annual cost of wasted shower water by city
Nice work Neshaya!As for the robot, Olivia, and Ella worked on the Water Collection mission and got that working. If we can fit it in to our 2.5 minutes we'll be able to get almost 400 points if everything works. Getting everything to work is still a challenge and it's going to require a lot of debugging and practicing between now and January.
Dropping the stacked water in the target area
We put together a list of additional goals for this month and they include:
1) Get more presentation feedback from experts.
2) Show our project to more people who could benefit.
3) Add more project features, including making it look more professional.
4) Print out our sample code and design processes.
We'll work on more of those goals tomorrow!
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