Monday, 9 October 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Comet Warriors!  Good work last week, and congratulations to Nick on the Homework Award.

Among other things, we got 3 out of 4 Zone 1 missions working, some of which are shown in the video below:

In addition, with the cancellation of the weekend Garage Sale due to bad weather, we got the Pump Addition mission finished as well.  That finishes off Zone 1.  Those missions together give us 95 points with another five and a half weeks before the tournament.  Not bad, but still plenty of work left to do.

Thank you Ella for another interesting, fun, and valuable Core Values exercise.  Building a Lego model of our research problem was a great teamwork exercise and the team did much better than we did at the start of the season.

Olivia posted a document on Slack listing the problems people have with existing Hot Water Recirculation products.  Please read it!  We've got a solution to one of these problems, we hope, but there are still plenty more.  For this week please think hard about how these remaining problems could be fixed.  Could we make the timer easier to adjust?  How?  Could we make the water heat up quicker?  How?  And so on.

If we can decide whether these problems are easy, medium, or difficult to solve we could combine that information with how much people complain about them and come up with a prioritized list of which problems to work on.

Also, on the topic of the project, Macy's Uncle Bill (name of the week) may be able to visit with us on Wednesday to give his thoughts on what we're trying to do.  So come prepared to discuss our project so far, and whatever additional ideas you come up with between now and then.

Lastly, the First Lego League organizers would like to know who would like badges this season showing how many years they've been involved with FLL.  The badges are a few dollars each, so if you'd like one let us know.

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