Week 4
This week we ran a team building exercise on the playground, which involved holding hands in a ring and passing hula hoops around the ring in opposite directions without letting go of each other's hands. This requires some original thinking, teamwork, and communication - good practice for the competition.
We also heard presentations from those who said last week that they wanted to be in charge of fundraising. There were a lot of good ideas, but Amy's presentation was the best organized, most thorough, and best presented. Amy, you are now in charge of fundraising! First on the fundraising list is a Toonie Toss for tomorrow night's Franco Fete.
Also today we finished up the competition table. Yay! We can now start prioritizing missions and designing strategies for completing them.
We discussed building a base robot with interchangeable attachments that could be added and removed for different sets of missions. We did this last year, using one set of wheels for most missions and changing them out for the obstacle course.
The kings of the base robot / attachment world have to be Lego Vinir. They have videos of their robot from last year's competition, along with explanations of how it works. There are a lot of good ideas there. Check them out at:
Lego Vinir Overview
Lego Vinir Step 1
Lego Vinir Step 2
Lego Vinir Step 3
You each received a book entitled, "The Lego Mindstorms EV3 Discovery Book." Look closely at the robot design in the videos and see of you can get any ideas from the book on how to build and program such a thing.